IR sensors (Infrared sensor) are modules which detect the presence of objects before them. This circuit can also serve as Security Alarm Circuit. In this project, when there is no object in front of IR sensor then the Red LED remains turned on and soon as we put something in front of IR sensor then red LED turns off and Green LED turn on. So lets learn how to interface this sensor with Raspberry Pi. Simply putting, it can detect the presence of objects before it and also differentiate between white and black colour. These sensors are most commonly use in small robots like line follower robot, Edge avoiding robot etc. In this tutorial we will learn how we can Interface an IR sensor with Raspberry pi. Raspberry Pi is also a boon for IoT projects, as it is a pocket sized computer with inbuilt Wi-Fi, having capabilities of a microcontroller. We have covered lot of Raspberry Pi Projects with many sensors. There are many sensors which can detect certain parameters from the real time world and transfer it to a digital world. All this can be possible only if we know how to make it interact with the real world.

With its high computational power it can work out wonders in hands of electronics hobbyists or students. As we all know Raspberry Pi is a wonderful Developing platform based on ARM microprocessor.